Underwriters Laboratories testing program
Rawal Devices contracted with Underwriters Laboratories’ HVAC Testing Facility to conduct a third-party evaluation of the APR Control performance against a standard DX cooling system and a system with a simple hot gas bypass during similar part-load demands.
The testing demonstrated that the APR Control is an energy efficient and cost-effective solution to many common HVAC performance limitations.
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Oak Ridge
Rawal Devices allowed for the Oak Ridge Center for Manufacturing Technology to perform a series of energy efficiency testing on the APR Control installed on a self-contained air conditioner at their facility. The test directly compared electrical power consumption before and after the installation of the APR.
The testing uncovered the increased operating efficiencies and energy savings that the Rawal APR Control can provide. Oak Ridge Manufacturing Technology themselves highly recommended the APR to help open new markets within the Government for inexpensive and effective energy-saving retrofit equipment.